
School Policy Rules and Regulations

Abusive Language

Abusive language/profanity is not permitted towards staff or other students and will be dealt with severely, including in some cases, suspension.  Mastbaum operates on the principle of mutual respect towards others.  The use of profanity is demeaning, degrading and detracts from the positive atmosphere at Mastbaum.

Arrival and Dismissal

Upon arrival at Mastbaum, all students must go through the metal scan.  Their book bag must be scanned also.  Failure to go through the metal scan will result in a disciplinary referral.  Students late to school are assigned an after-school detention.

Excessive lateness will result in after school detentions and/or other disciplinary action including suspension.  Students are not expected to leave their classes at the end of the day until dismissed by the teacher.


A frequent question asked by employers is “Is the student dependable and regular in his/her attendance?”  This is an important factor.  Student attendance is kept on a daily basis and recorded in the School District’s computer system.  Grades are affected by an excessive amount of absences.

Any senior who is excessively absent and failing in any class will not be entitled to a re-exam without special approval of the principal.  Attendance is a factor in all school-based awards.  Excessive absences may remove a student from consideration for awards.  Students with eighteen (18) or more days of unexcused absences may also be ineligible for summer school or summer program.

If a student is absent, the parent or guardian is required send a written excuse note to the school with the student upon their return.  If a student is going to be absent for a prolonged period of time, the counselor should be contacted.  Please inform the counselor of the reason for the illness and make arrangements for work to be sent home.  On the day that the student returns to school, he/she must have a written note from his/her parent or guardian explaining the absence.  Parents will be notified of absences and lateness via the automated dialing system.

Cell Phone / Electronic Device Policy

If a student brings a MP3 Player, cell phone or electronic device to school it is at his/her OWN RISK.  Mastbaum is not responsible for any theft or loss of the device.  We suggest these devices be left at home.  If a student is involved in any disciplinary issue the device can be confiscated and returned only to the parent or guardian of the student.  However, upon a second violation or if the device is used during the commission of a crime the school will confiscate the device and it will not be returned.  The principal may donate the item to charity or sell items with proceeds going to a school use.

Cutting Classes

Students are expected to attend every class, including advisory. Cutting classes or advisory will result in disciplinary action (such as after-school detention, parent conferences, suspension and/or transfer) and will have a direct impact on student grades.

Drugs and Alcohol Possession

School District policy requires that when a pupil is found in possession of a suspected controlled substance and/or alcohol, a referral must be made to law enforcement authorities immediately.

First offenses also may result in immediate suspension, request for transfer from Mastbaum High School and/or referral to a counselor or substance abuse specialist(s). Repeat offenses will result in recommendation for remedial disciplinary placement.


Fighting is never justified.  Students should seek out an adult employee to help them avoid a physical confrontation. Fighting at Mastbaum High School or on the way to or from school will not be tolerated.  Fighting will result in a three, five, or ten day suspension and may lead to a disciplinary transfer out of Mastbaum.

Computers – Internet Use

Please review this downloadable policy document: Acceptable Use Policy