Promotion & Graduation Requirements
Promotion from grade to grade is based on credits earned. Each class represents one (1) credit. A passing grade at the high school level is described as a “D” (60%) or higher.
A 12th-grade Mastbaum student shall graduate if s/he:
- Successfully completes his/her Senior Portfolio
- Earns a total of 28.5 credits, which include:
- 4 in English
- 3 in Mathematics
- 3 in Science
- 1 additional Mathematics OR Science
- 3 in Social Studies
- 1 in African American History
- 2 in World Language
- 2 in Arts and Humanities
- 1 in Physical Education
- 0.5 in Health
- 8 in Career and Technical Education
Scheduling errors and/or missing transfer transcripts do not exempt a student from completely fulfilling District graduation requirements. The Chief of Schools must approve any substitutions for requirements in writing.
All students with disabilities in Pennsylvania have the right to earn a regular high school diploma. Children can earn a diploma by completing the same courses and earning the same number of credits as regular education children. Or, a high school diploma can be awarded to a child with a disability who completes the special education program developed by the IEP Team, graduating by IEP goals.